Hello my fellow Web3 enthusiasts, I’m Lois, product designer @Meta. I worked on design systems and product architecture at the Facebook app for the past 4.5 years. Currently, I’m doing a hack-a-month with Facebook Reality Labs.

If you follow tech, you probably have heard of Web3 multiple times. When I first heard about it from my dear friend @Katherine, I had two thoughts in mind:  “**What is Web3, exactly?” and “TELL ME where I should invest next, Web3!

After immersing (and overwhelming) myself in Web3 stuff for a month, I realized that Web3 is much more than crypto, and much more than FinTech in general. Web3 defines a new chapter of technology, a new method of thinking, and a new way of working. To help more people feel on-boarded to Web 3, I’m sharing with you this lightweight holiday Web3 reading list.

Tips for this Learning Journey


What’s Web3?

Important Concepts within Web3

Applications of Web3